Application Form

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  • Artist-in-Residence Application Form
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Please fill in the required items and be sure to attach the necessary documents and photo data.
If the application documents and data are incomplete, it will be considerd invalid.
Please DO NOT use "back" and/or "refresh" button(s) of the browser. Otherwise, your data will not be processed correctly. Items with a mark of (※) must be completed. Please be sure to fill them out.
Example: First name  Middle name  Family name
※Half-width alphanumeric

(50 characters or less)
If your name can be written in Chinese characters, please write.
(Full-width 20 characters or less)
Please write your address including postal code and country.
※Half-width alphanumeric

(2000 characters or less)
(30 characters or less)
※mobile phone e-mail address not allowed
Entry example:mm/dd/yyyy

(10 characters or less)
※Half-width alphanumeric
(400 characters or less)
※Half-width alphanumeric
(400 characters or less)
(Hyphen separated) Example:012-345-6789
※Half-width alphanumeric
(200 characters or less)
(Hyphen separated) Example:012-345-6789
※Please provide a statement of intent outlining the primary concepts, goals and plan of your proposed residency.
※Please include in your statement how you plan to engage with the local community and how being in Toyama will play a role in the development of your work.
※Half-width alphanumeric

(1200 characters or less)
※Applicants must outline any potential health hazards (e.g. fumes, dust, or any other hazardous materials) associated with the techniques to be used during the residency.
※Half-width alphanumeric
※Half-width alphanumeric
(1800 characters or less)

◆Image attachments
Please attach up to 1 Self-portrait (taken within the last 6 months) and up to 10 images of your work.
The size of the photo should be up to 1200 pixels in height and width.
The attached file should be JPEG format (extension is jpeg or jpg), and up to 2MB per file.
The file title should be "Name (example:John Smith.jpg)" for the self-portrait and "image number_ work title_surname (example:01_the wall_Smith.jpg)" for the work image.
face photo taken within the last 6 months
file label : name.jpg
e.g. John Smith.jpg
Image 01
file label : image number_title_surname
e.g. 01_the wall_Smith.jpg
title/dimension/technique/production year
e.g. the wall/H650×W680mm/cold work/2020

(200 characters or less)
Image 02
file label : image number_title_surname
e.g. 02_the wall_Smith.jpg
title/dimension/technique/production year
e.g. the wall/H650×W680mm/cold work/2020

(200 characters or less)
Image 03
file label : image number_title_surname
e.g. 03_the wall_Smith.jpg
title/dimension/technique/production year
e.g. the wall/H650×W680mm/cold work/2020

(200 characters or less)
Image 04
file label : image number_title_surname
e.g. 04_the wall_Smith.jpg
title/dimension/technique/production year
e.g. the wall/H650×W680mm/cold work/2020

(200 characters or less)
Image 05
file label : image number_title_surname
e.g. 05_the wall_Smith.jpg
title/dimension/technique/production year
e.g. the wall/H650×W680mm/cold work/2020

(200 characters or less)
Image 06
file label : image number_title_surname
e.g. 06_the wall_Smith.jpg
title/dimension/technique/production year
e.g. the wall/H650×W680mm/cold work/2020

(200 characters or less)
Image 07
file label : image number_title_surname
e.g. 07_the wall_Smith.jpg
title/dimension/technique/production year
e.g. the wall/H650×W680mm/cold work/2020

(200 characters or less)
Image 08
file label : image number_title_surname
e.g. 08_the wall_Smith.jpg
title/dimension/technique/production year
e.g. the wall/H650×W680mm/cold work/2020

(200 characters or less)
Image 09
file label : image number_title_surname
e.g. 09_the wall_Smith.jpg
title/dimension/technique/production year
e.g. the wall/H650×W680mm/cold work/2020

(200 characters or less)
Image 10
file label : image number_title_surname
e.g. 10_the wall_Smith.jpg
title/dimension/technique/production year
e.g. the wall/H650×W680mm/cold work/2020

(200 characters or less)
Thumbnail document should include the work number, thumbnail image, title, size, technique, and year of production in PDF format.

※The file label should be "your name_thumbnail.pdf"
(Example: John Smith_thumbnail.pdf)

The information has some errors.

The information you enter will be temporarily saved.